Joint Statement of IPA Europe and 17 other signatories on the EC Initiative: Boosting Biotechnology and Biomanufacturing in the EU

Categorised in: Posted on Sun 28th April

The joint statement in response to the publication of the Initiative praises it as a positive starting point, while calling for greater ambition and implementation. The initiative recognizes various challenges and barriers, including the need for a level playing field for market entry and demand.  A key step in addressing these issues is streamlining and aligning regulatory pathways. Consequently, urgent action is required to remove bottlenecks that currently hinder commercialization and place European companies at a competitive disadvantage.

Currently, the lack of a harmonized approach to fermentation technology using food cultures prevents the full realization of its potential to contribute to a sustainable food system. This is especially true for probiotic microorganisms. There’s an urgent need to harmonize the use of the term ‘probiotics’ across EU Member States to provide clarity for both industry and consumers. Achieving harmonization would significantly reduce burdens for companies and improve the competitiveness of the European industry. The position is available here